Hope Grows Through Action – A Minute for Hope on 21 March 2025
21 March – A Day for Hope and Renewal
This day symbolizes hope in many ways. On this day, we celebrate:
The International Day of Forests
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
World Poetry Day
International Nowruz Day – a celebration of spring and the New Year in many cultures, symbolizing renewal and hope
World Down Syndrome Day
Planting Trees of Hope Around the World
Plant And Care For Peace network is planting trees of hope worldwide from January to March – symbols of action and the power of community. These trees highlight the importance of hope, togetherness, renewal, and care for nature. Just as trees grow over time, small actions can grow into something greater, bringing hope to others and to the environment.
This is why 21 March is the perfect day to pause and take A Minute for Hope – to take actions that bring light and hope to the world. Use your minute to make your own act of hope. Add the hashtag #MinuteForHope and share it in your own language to inspire others and see hope spread across the globe.​
A Minute for Hope – How You Can Participate
1. Call a friend or loved one:
Thank them, encourage them, or let them know you’re thinking of them.
Invite them to join the A Minute for Hope campaign and take their own minute for hope.
2. Take a small action:
Offer help, show kindness, or ask someone: "How can I help today?"
Every small action brings light and hope to those around you.
3. Share your minute on Instagram:
Tell others what you did and use the hashtags #MinuteForHope and one in your own language (e.g., #MinutoporlaEsperanza).
Example post:
Today at 12 noon, I helped an elderly lady cross the street. Every minute brings light. #MinuteForHope # #MinutoporlaEsperanza (your language)​
A Minute for Hope – How Your Community Can Participate
Take Your Minute for Hope at 12 Noon
Your community can use A Minute for Hope to carry out a concrete and visible act that symbolizes hope. Plan ahead to make sure the action can be done at just the right moment.
Examples of Hopeful Actions for Communities:
Create a visible symbol together:
Form a symbolic shape, such as a heart or a peace sign, as a group and capture it in a photo or video.
Share the symbol on Instagram with the hashtags #MinuteForHope and one in your own language.
Make a concrete donation:
A community, organization, or workplace can use the moment to donate to a local charity or cause.
Example post:
"Today at 12 noon, we gave a gift of hope to a local food bank. #MinuteForHope # #MinutoporlaEsperanza"
Announce a decision for hope:
Use the minute to share a planned initiative or action that will bring hope in the near future.
Example post:
"Our community took A Minute for Hope to announce our spring environmental project, which will improve local well-being. #MinuteForHope # #MinutoporlaEsperanza
Share Your Community's Action on Instagram
Use the hashtags #MinuteForHope and one in your own language to share what you did.
Sharing photos and videos makes your action more visible and inspires others to join in.
Why Participate?
"A Minute for Hope" reminds us that small actions can make a big difference when done together. As individuals and communities, we can plant hope through actions that have lasting impact. Be part of a worldwide initiative to inspire hope, love and justice. Discover more about our values and flaghisp project, the Peace Circle here
